Wednesday 12 February 2014

My intent for Task 3

Task 3 Apply your logo artwork and graphics to a 'Fully Realised' Design or Concept intended for use with one of the game genre/treatment ideas mentioned above Include your logo Rough Layout designs including rejected ideas and images Digital Paste Up layout designs showing use of grids and or templates Final Design (deconstructed) Final Design(Ezine pdf or html webpage/s) Examples of this might be; Promotional Banner Concept Art Website Wallpaper Simple Animation (Gif) Ezine Spread (PDF) Packaging / Case Design Marketing Materials Promos Collectables (original artwork / postcards) To complete task 3 using master at arms genre I will be applying my logo artwork and i will do this by showing all i went through to get to what became my final design along with all the images used and failures/attempts and what I used as a layout to create the potential logos upon and then i will show the final design being deconstructed and when this is all done i will shoe off the logo being used on different things which may include promotional banners, concept art, website wallpaper and even it being shown on potential packaging/ case design.